When you fast, your energy mainly depends on the food you consume during your Suhoor meal- so first and foremost, please don’t skip it!
What we choose to eat in the early hours of the morning can have a huge impact on our mood and energy levels for the rest of the day. Combining fibre rich carbohydrates with some protein and healthy fats (nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, chicken, meat, dairy and legumes) will help to regulate blood sugar levels and keep you full for longer.
Adding nuts/nut butter and seeds to an oat-based meal may be exactly what you need to help support your energy levels. Why not try these delicious oats topped with fresh berries, peanut butter and pumpkin seeds? Click here for my recipe. If you really struggle in the early hours of the morning, I have also included an overnight oats option which can be quickly prepared before you go to bed!
For added protein, give quinoa porridge a go: cook the quinoa, oats, milk, water; cinnamon, flax seeds and then add toppings of your choice (berries, nut butter, bananas, honey). I would advise pre-cooking a batch of quinoa beforehand so that you only need to cook the porridge for a few minutes. Any left over can be used up in a side salad for Fatoor!